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Our History

The History of Trinity Episcopal Church

Trinity welcomes you today to church that has been designated

as one of Redlands Historical Society's Heritage Buildings.  The

congregation began as a mission church in 1886 with her first

service held near Hinckley Ranch on Mission Road.  A year later,

Redlands city planners Judson and Brown, donated a lot on the

corner of what is now Center and Home Place, and a permanent

building was erected with the name "Trinity" to reflect the

union of the three localities of the area "in one ecclesiastical

charge to the glory of the Triune God."


As the center of Redlands moved from Center and Home Place 

to Cajon Street and Olive Avenue, Trinity also moved, taking a place on

"church corners" adjoining the Congregationalists, Baptists,
and Methodists in 1895.  By 1904, having outgrown their

original building, Trinity moved for the last time.  The present

building, on the corner of Fourth and Fern, was made possible by a gift from Mrs. Albert Burrage as a memorial to her mother-in-law, Mrs. Aurelia Burrage.  It was built mostly in the English tradition out of cut stone from the Taylor Brick Company of Redlands, and designed by the renowned architect, Daniel F. Willard of Riverside.


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Its most notable interior feature is the stain glass windows. The East "Ascension" window (1893) was moved from the original old church.  Both it and the West "Te Deum" (1931) window were crafted in Munich Germany.  The smaller windows along the North and South sides of the sanctuary are dedicated to many Redlands notables from the years of 1925 to 1943. In 1957, the St. Mary's Chapel was completed and is home to three windows designed by the Judson Studios.  Parish members continue to honor their loved ones with new pieces that are tucked elsewhere within the church proper. 


Upholding a reputation for fine music, Trinity houses an organ that has essentially been totally rebuilt.  Trinity's pipe organ was built in Redlands by Steuart Goodwin and Company Opus 4 in 1976.  The church's original 1904 Austin organ provided some of the parts, along with the 1854 Jardine organ that had been moved from Rome, New York, for the original church.  The painted pipes that face the congregation are merely decorative.  The actual working pipes are housed in a chamber behind the organ itself.


We invite you to enjoy our many liturgical offerings throughout the church year which represent our rich Episcopal traditions.



419 S. Fourth Street

Redlands, CA 92374

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