Spiritual Care
The heart of any parish community is its prayer life. The clergy of Trinity aim to support the prayer lives of our parishioners by offering solid Sunday worship experiences, healing prayers, pastoral care, support groups, practical study in prayer and scripture, and the example and encouragement of leaders who pray.
Your clergy and other parish leaders are always available to speak with you about your spiritual life.
Wednesday Healing Service
All are invited to join us on Wednesdays at 11:00 am bringing all that troubles and pains you for healing prayer and the laying on of hands. God loves you and God’s healing power promises to make you whole. Prayers are offered by ordained and lay ministers at all Services.
The laying on of hands is a sacrament in our Anglican tradition that was present in the first prayer book of 1549. The laying on of hands is an outward sign of the internal reality of God’s grace and desire to make us whole.
Morning & Evening Prayer
Daily prayer helps us to mark the times of the day and to express the traditions of the praying community that is traditional in Judaism and in Christianity. Both Morning and Evening prayer services include prayers, a selection from the Psalter, readings from the Holy Scriptures, one or more canticles, and the Lord's Prayer. Forms for Morning and Evening Prayer include an optional confession of sin.
All are invited to join together (via Zoom) for Morning and Evening prayer. To learn more click HERE.
Centering Prayer
Centering prayer is a silent form of prayer, beyond word and thoughts. All are welcome, instruction provided. If you have questions please contact the parish office for leader, Ellen Camarillo's phone number. Centering Prayer is held on Mondays at 6:00 pm in the Church.
Intercessory Prayer
This prayer group prays for those who use the prayer request cards found in the pews of the church. Many people have volunteered to pray daily for three weeks for each request. We also pray for healing, guidance, and safety in travel for those on the Sunday Prayers of the People list received through the church office. We also praise the Lord and give thanks for answered prayers and blessings. There are no meeting, no dues, and no requirements; just a willingness to pray daily. Would you like to pray with us? All members are confidential and receive updated prayer lists weekly. If you are interested in this ministry, please contact the parish office.
The Benedictines is a group of people interested in studying and being guided by the teachings of St. Benedict, a Christian monk, writer and theologian in about 500 AD. He established monastic communities and wrote the Rule of Saint Benedict which describes how the monks should live. He emphasizes balance, moderation and reasonableness in our lives. The Rule was used by most religious communities in the middle ages. Some consider Saint Benedict to be the founder of Western Christian monasticism.
We meet the third Wednesday of each month at 5:00 PM in the Church library. We start with a potluck dinner at which we share and get to know and support each other. It is then followed by studying of the Rule. We close the meeting with Compline.